How do I care for my dentures or dental implants?

Classic Dentures will provide you with all the information you need to care for and maintain your new smile. We will also offer you an ongoing Care program for your complete peace of mind.

So much has changed in the manufacturing of dentures in the past 100 years we also need to change the way we advise patients on the care of their dentures and their mouth.

Dentures are now made of much more oral friendly materials and therefore do not need to be taken out and soaked every night. The oral fluids do not penetrate the dentures and make them a haven for bacteria, like they did in the older denture materials. 

The following protocols should be used to keep your dentures clean and free from harmful bacteria:

  • Take your dentures out every morning and night and clean them with a soft brush and denture cleaner, soak if desired

  • Brush your gums with a soft brush to stimulate blood flow and remove food and bacteria

  • It is better for your joint health if you sleep with your dentures in

  • Sleeping with dentures in can also help with Sleep Apnoea

  • Attend your 6 -12 monthly Denture Recall appointment even if you feel everything is okay

Dental Implant Maintenance

If you have dental implants or implant retained overdentures, it is very important to think of these as requiring the same attention to hygiene and maintenance as natural teeth. Therefore, you should clean them in the same way with brushing and flossing.

Always attend your recall appointments when requested. 


A beautiful smile can be achieved with Classic Dentures. Book today, and let us explain our approach to give you the classic smile you deserve.

Payment Options

HICAPS claiming for all health funds
Direct claiming for all DVA treatment
Buy now pay later with humm®
Scheduled progressive payments